Sunday, September 13, 2009

cicak man by yusry KRU

one of malay films that uses high technology..


  1. i think cicakman is one of the malay film that can be proud of..
    this film shows that we are not left behind in the film industry...

  2. anyway friends,i have found another website that tells us about the cultural history of malay films..
    check this website..

  3. its kinda interesting for ur group to post and talked about these issues.. i loved to watch movies, but i tend not to watch malay movies especially the recent one because on my opinion, the plot and the storyline are cliche and the same.. compared to old malay movies, we can see how the storyline, the plot are much different and interesting..

  4. i also like cicakman movies.....really proud of this film...they uses high is a good improvement to malay film industries...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. yaa...cicakman have show that nowadays malay film have use high technology but it still have deficiency if we compare with English film.

  7. boom.. i like the clips.. but, we should do a lot more things to make our film stands same as the western films.. so, we shall make a move!! support our films.. yeah!!! go go go!!!
